Pricing & Order Please read the Guidelines first before ordering! Comic strip No comic strip$30 - Comic strip (3-4 panels)$50 - Short story (1 page)$100 - Short story (2 pages)$150 - Short story (3 pages) $30 Comic strip (3-4 panels) $50 Short story (1 page) $100 Short story (2 pages) $150 Short story (3 pages) Bust ------------$10 - Ham & Eggs$15 - French toast$25 - Filet Wellington$30 - Cordon bleu$15 - Pancakes$35 - Crème brûlée$45 - Apfelstrudel $10 - Ham & Eggs Black line art, no colouring, no shading $15 - French toast Black line art, digitally coloured, no shading $25 - Filet Wellington Black line art, digitally coloured, shading $30 - Cordon bleu Black line art, digitally coloured, smooth shading $15 - Pancakes Coloured line art, digitally coloured, no shading $35 - Crème brûlée Coloured line art, digitally coloured, shading $45 - Apfelstrudel Coloured line art, digitally coloured, smooth shading Half body ------------$15 - Ham & Eggs$20 - French toast$30 - Filet Wellington$35 - Cordon bleu$20 - Pancakes$40 - Crème brûlée$50 - Apfelstrudel $15 - Ham & Eggs Black line art, no colouring, no shading $20 - French toast Black line art, digitally coloured, no shading $30 - Filet Wellington Black line art, digitally coloured, shading $35 - Cordon bleu Black line art, digitally coloured, smooth shading $20 - Pancakes Coloured line art, digitally coloured, no shading $40 - Crème brûlée Coloured line art, digitally coloured, shading $50 - Apfelstrudel Coloured line art, digitally coloured, smooth shading Full body ------------$20 - Ham & Eggs$25 - French toast$35 - Filet Wellington$40 - Cordon bleu$25 - Pancakes$45 - Crème brûlée$55 - Apfelstrudel $20 - Ham & Eggs Black line art, no colouring, no shading $25 - French toast Black line art, digitally coloured, no shading $35 - Filet Wellington Black line art, digitally coloured, shading $40 - Cordon bleu Black line art, digitally coloured, smooth shading $25 - Pancakes Coloured line art, digitally coloured, no shading $45 - Crème brûlée Coloured line art, digitally coloured, shading $55 - Apfelstrudel Coloured line art, digitally coloured, smooth shading Drawing style (required) ------------CanonOther style (please explain in the description)The Bundycoot style Background No background$1 - Simple background$5 - Complex background (Bust)$10 - Complex background (Half body)$15 - Complex background (Full body) Additional characters None$2 - 1 character (Bust)$4 - 2 characters (Bust)$6 - 3 characters (Bust)$5 - 1 character (Half body)$10 - 2 characters (Half body)$15 - 3 characters (Half body)$10 - 1 character (Full body)$20 - 2 characters (Full body)$30 - 3 characters (Full body) Mature content No mature contentYes (18+)Naughty (16+) Private commission No$10 - Yes Your name (required) Your e-mail (required) Description (required) Just to make sure you're not a bot, let me ask you a little question. What's the name of the female Kim Possible villain I draw the most?